We are serving up good vibes for finals! It can be a challenging time but remember, you got this! 
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Commuter 50 Block
  • 50 meals per semester
  • $50 Dining Dollars
  • Per semester
50 Meals per Semester redeemable at The Table at Regis plus $50 Dining Dollars per semester redeemable at any campus dining location. Meals expire at the end of each academic term. Unused Dining Dollars will roll over from fall to spring semester, expiring at the end of the academic year. This meal plan is non-refundable after 5:00 PM MTN the first Friday of the semester start. Any meals or declining balance funds that have been used prior to a refund being issued will be prorated from the refund amount.

*The price of this plan includes tax on the meals portion of the plan.

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